Vocational Baccalaureate: Hairdressing

Presentation of the training

Description of professional tasks

  1. The holder of the professional baccalaureate in hairdressing trades is a highly qualified professional specialized in:
  2. The techniques of cut, shape, coloring, styling on a female and male clientele.
  3. Customer reception
  4. Personalized advice for the sale of services and products
  5. Animation of the team within the company
  6. The day-to-day administrative and financial technical management of a hairdressing salon or a self-employed activity

Domains or fields of activity

The holder of the vocational bachelor's degree in hairdressing trades carries out his or her activity, in compliance with the regulations in force, as an employee or self-employed person in the following areas:

  1. All types of hairdressing businesses (hairdressing salon, traveling salons, home hairdressing businesses, businesses related to the hairdressing sector)
  2. Show business or fashion show business and fashion
  3. Beauty center with integrated hairdressing activities
  4. Thalassotherapy establishment with integrated hairdressing activities
  5. Tourist establishment, holiday and leisure center
  6. Establishment for care, cure, convalescence, rehabilitation, accommodation for the elderly
  7. Distribution companies of professional hairdressing products and equipment
  8. Companies distributing hair products and professional equipment
  9. Social reintegration centers or associations, prison center

Student working hours

More information soon available

Internships – Work-study programs

More information soon available

Visit of the premises

The different possible study pursuits

Either, fit professionally into level jobs or pursue vocational training:

  1. Professional baccalaureate wigmaker hairpiece
  2. BTS hairstyle

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